Someone Who I Need ♥♥♥♥♥

I don’t want the perfect boyfriend,
I don’t care about his look,
I just want someone to love me.
Someone to hold me and be there for me when i’m having doubts,
when i’m feeling down.,
when i need his shoulder to cry on.
Someone who can make my day just by coming to see me,
or calling me just to check up on how i am.
or text me in the middle of the nite just to say he mish me.
I want someone who can do the smallest things like piggy-backs, hold my hands or hugs,
and it will mean everything in the world to me.
I just want some1 that i can act silly with,
Someone who cares,
Someone who I can trust,
Someone who will never make me cry,
Someone who treat me well,
Someone absolutely love being with me more than anythings,
Someone i can see myself falling in-love with over and over again.

thank you for someone in Malaysia who inspired me ♥♥♥

By dhearavina